Our founders, Ben & Helen, possess extensive knowledge in economics and finance and have consistently remained aware of global developments.They understand the vulnerabilities in monetary systems from past crises like the 1970s oil crisis and the 2008 financial crash. They also recognize challenges like government corruption and limited banking access in developed countries. Since 2008, government debt has risen, worsened by uncertainty from the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased monetary stimulus raises inflation concerns. While expansionary monetary policies are intended to bolster economic recovery, they can have adverse effects on consumers, savers, and investors if not carefully managed. Traditional policies seem no longer suitable for the digital economic age.

Since the onset of the 2008 financial crisis, government debt has continued to accumulate, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left the economic recovery uncertain. The injection of more money into the economy through monetary stimulus has heightened concerns about inflation, as it may diminish the purchasing power of currency and lead to increased prices for goods and services. 

While expansionary monetary policies are intended to bolster economic recovery, they can have adverse effects on consumers, savers, and investors if not carefully managed. Traditional policies seem no longer suitable for the digital economic age.

Our founders discovered the empowerment of the Bitcoin technology years ago and are opting solely for Bitcoin as it is different from any other cryptocurrency due to its decentralised nature, the potential to reach a global audience while fostering inclusivity and minimising transaction costs.

They realised that Bitcoin is the hardest money and has value because of its

  • durability : Bitcoin is durable as it is a purely data-based, immutable form of money. Its digital ledger system uses Proof of Work and economic incentives (free market principle) to resist any attempts to alter it, ensuring that it remains a reliable store of value over time. 
  • scarcity: Bitcoin has proven to be a legitimate store of value because of its scarcity. Unlike traditional currencies, which can be printed by central banks, the supply of bitcoin is strictly limited to 21 million. This makes it resistant to the arbitrary inflation that devaluates traditional currencies and makes it a valuable asset to hold and store wealth (in order to keep your purchasing power). 
  • Immutability: Once a transaction is confirmed and recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or reversed. This immutability is a critical feature of Bitcoin because it ensures that the integrity of the ledger is maintained, and transactions cannot be tampered with or falsified. This is especially important in an increasingly digital world, where trust and security are paramount concerns. 

Watch this video from Lyn Alden to better comprehend how Money and Banking work and why they are broken and how Bitcoin can be a solution in the new digital age.


1. It safeguards your purchasing power, which is at risk due to inflationary monetary systems.
2. It lacks backing from a single country or government.
3. It cannot be endlessly printed like many governments do.
4. It functions as immediate cash when banks restrict access to your account.
5. It exhibits lower volatility compared to some states experiencing hyperinflation.
6. It demonstrates stability over the long term.
7. It ensures the security of your personal earnings, which cannot be confiscated if a bank or government collapses.

8. It is portable, being in digital form and accessible wherever you go.


While initiatives such as selling merchandise, art and fostering educational programs can be effective for NGO’S, they often fall short of covering the significant costs they face. By incorporating Bitcoin into their fundraising efforst, these organisations can enhance their financial resources and make a more impactful difference.

Moreover due to above inflationary developments, people donate less every year which is understandable as individuals are not interested in giving when they struggle to cope themselves.


To secure the future of ngo’s they need to understand how Bitcoin works so they can raise donations in BTC which are hodl’ed in a self-custody wallet, so the BTC appreciation can strengthen the fund for further initiatives. 

Therefore we have set up a fundraiser to help ngo’s understanding the Bitcoin technology by sharing our insights so they can adopt it in a save and secure way. Check out our fundraiser by clicking the button.