The Bitcoin for Wildlife Conservation Project

We believe that Bitcoin can be beneficial for wildlife and nature conservation if organisations adopt the technology and get financial support from the Bitcoin community

It is important for Bitcoin’s impact to extend beyond human rights and wellfare considerations to include animals’ protection as well. Therefore, with our experience and knowledge of the Bitcoin ecosystem, we help our projects to embrace Bitcoin. 

By embracing Bitcoin donations, you encourage innovation in charitable giving, ensuring sustainable conservation impacts for wildlife worldwide.

Bitcoin Projects We Support

Why Bitcoin

Our founders, Ben and Helen, leverage their deep expertise in economics and finance to stay ahead of global trends. Aware of vulnerabilities in monetary systems—like government corruption, limited banking access, and rising debt since 2008, worsened by COVID-19 and inflation—they believe traditional policies fall short in the digital age. 

Bitcoin, as the world’s largest decentralised computing network, offers a promising, globally accessible solution for financial settlements, promoting inclusivity and minimising transaction costs.

Interested to learn more on Bitcoin?
Check out our “Why Bitcoin Only” page where we explain more on how money and banking works and how Bitcoin could be a solution in this new digital age.

Challenges for Wildlife & Environmental NGO's

Due to the above mentioned inflationary developments, our purchasing power declines and people donate less every year which is understandable as individuals are not interested in giving when they struggle to cope themselves.

Moreover, while initiatives such as selling merchandise, art and fostering educational programs can be effective for NGO’S, they often fall short of covering the significant costs they face. By incorporating Bitcoin into their fundraising efforts, these organisations can enhance their financial resources and make a more impactful difference.

Adopting & Educating Bitcoin for Wildlife Organisations

By bolstering financial and transactional security, Bitcoin contributes not only to the effectiveness of wildlife conservation efforts but also to the overall safety and well-being of the dedicated individuals working in challenging and dangerous environments.

As the Bitcoin technology is new and not always well understood, education and explanation is needed. 

With our financial expertise and knowledge of the Bitcoin technology, we have helped our local wildlife organisations in their process to understand and then adopt bitcoin. 

We do this on a voluntary basis and do not receive any salary from our funding.

Experience and Cooperations

We work together with the experienced team from Bitcoin Ekasi and Bitcoin Witsand for the realisation of these Bitcoin Adoption projects.

We are also very grateful for the support of Lightning Checkout to help us selflessly facilitating our bitcoin payments in our webshop with their integration in order to be able to accept bitcoin lightning donations for the many projects we support. We are very happy with their contribution to our fund. 

Our Bitcoin Strategy

Our approach aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of ngo’s by advocating for the adoption of Bitcoin donations.

  • Donations are stored in a self-custody wallet, allowing for the potential growth of Bitcoin’s value over time.
  • This strategy enhances funds for future initiatives, particularly when inflation worldwide might cause traditional donations to fall short of covering costs.

In order to actively help South African ngo’s to adopt Bitcoin, we raise donations in BTC which are hoddl’ed in our self-custody wallet.

  • These ngo’s do not always accept bitcoin yet so we provide a 0% EUR loan to our fund when projects need to cover their costs.
  • Projects who already accept Bitcoin donations are paid in Bitcoin to their wallet.
  • Meanwhile the BTC in our wallet can appreciate to strengthen our fund for further initiatives.

In a following stage, we will also use the funds to create a bitcoin circular economy in the surrounding communities.

  • To do this we have to educate local actors on bitcoin and pay them in bitcoin when they start educating others themselves.



Lightning Sats or BTC


Send BTC on-chain


Liquid Bitcoin
Send Liquid BTC or L-BTC

Realised Projects


JUNE 2024 – Launch of “The Black Mambas” Bitcoin fundraiser

MAY 2024 – Support of “The Bitcoin Elephant Fund” in collaboration with HERD South Africa

APRIL 2024 – HERD South Africa accepts Bitcoin when buying merchandise in the webshop

FEBRUARY 2024 – Setting up “The Bitcoin for Wildlife Conservation Project”

JANUARY 2024 – Adopting Bitcoin Conference in Cape-Town, South-Africa.

As the Bitcoin technology is new and not always well understood, education and explanation is needed.  Therefore we worked together with Bitcoin Ekasi to get the wildlife organisations HERD Elephants, Transfrontier Africa, The Black Mambas and The BushBabies to the Adopting Bitcoin Conference in Cape-Town, South-Africa.

The Black Mambas embody female empowerment in a traditionally male-dominated field. Their presence challenges gender stereotypes and demonstrates the effectiveness of women in conservation and anti-poaching efforts. Moreover, through female empowerment the unit aims to build trust and collaboration to sustainable conservation practices from their local communities.

They actively work on shared responsibility from their community work for protecting the environment. Therefore, we have organised that they will also be able to visit the Bitcoin Ekasi Center after attending the conference in order to explore what a bitcoin circular economy could mean for themselves and their own community.



We have raised funds to cover the travel expenses for 3 team members of the Black Mambas rangers unit to attend the Bitcoin conference in Cape Town. Their participation has enabled them to gain insights into adopting the Bitcoin technology for enhanced financial and transactional security within their local communities.